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How to Optimize Your Twitter Profile?

Updated: Feb 19, 2020

Your Twitter profile is your signature, it is your identity on Social Media.

Optimizing the Twitter Profile is the first thing one should do while coming onto Twitter.

Most people don’t bother optimizing their profile and bio and head up tweeting everything they think of. And if people like your tweet and come to your profile and find nothing worthy they don’t connect to you.

Let’s see some of the things to make sure while optimizing your twitter profile.

Profile Photo

Use a real photo whether it’s your own personal profile and or your brand’s. People connect with faces and not logos.

It is obvious that you would be using your image for your own account but if you are the one who is driving your business then why not your face for your business’s profile photo to make it more interactive and approachable.

Don’t forget to use the right image size and dimensions.

Banner Photo

The banner photo is the first thing that a visitor would see when he comes onto your profile.

Make sure that you have made a good first impression.

First things first, similar to profile photo use a real image for your banner picture too and don’t forget the right image size and dimensions.

The banner photo can be your marketing tool. The way you can use it are:

  • Announcing new products and offers.

  • Highlight a hashtag relevant to your business or event.

  • Promote an event.

Make use of your banner image as your perfect marketing tool.

Twitter Bio

The best twitter bios have one thing in common: Authencity. Yes, they are completely original. They use original images, original content which explains their business in brief.

Below are the things that you should employ while preparing your bio.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself in the most descriptive way possible, add a brief description of your products or services, share some important qualities or business ethics that differentiate you from others, or tell them what they can expect from you being connected to you.

You can see how Avinash Kaushik has introduced himself on Twitter

Use the Space Carefully

Twitter gives you a maximum of 160 characters to make your say. Use those 165 characters to say everything you want to say about you and your business.

Show Your Personality

Serious, funny, kind whatever your personality is, use your bio to share your personality. People feel connected when they know you and your personality.

Use the Right Keywords

Twitter bios are indexable by search engines so optimize it through your SEO skills by using the right keywords for search engines to read and understand better.

Humble Brag

If you are good at something there is nothing bad mentioning it. Share your achievements and awards, but don’t overdo it, be humble.

Link Your Other Accounts

If you have multiple accounts for your multiple businesses then connecting those profiles with your own makes sense. It helps people to find you and your businesses easily.

Use Emojis

There is nothing unprofessional using emojis, make use of them if you want to. The more interactive your bio looks the more people will try to engage with you.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are how Twitter works, always add hashtags relevant to your bio or the content you are using.

you can see how @jamiemckaye has used # in his bio.

You can also use hashtags relevant to your business or your products/services.

Include CTA

Be in Touch with Mayank Ranjan(@mayankranjan95), Did you get the CTA

Don’t forget to use a proper CTA like- To keep up with the updates, subscribe to the newsletter, Or ask them to visit a particular site. Don’t hesitate to ask them for a simple favor.

Wrapping Up

As I have already mentioned your profile is your signature. The better you present the better people feel to connect to you. Make proper use of those 160 characters that twitter gives you to present yourself.

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