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Why Lead Generation Overtaking SEO?

Is SEO is DEAD?-- You’ve been hearing this from a lot of marketing “Gurus” or influencer or even your marketing team talking about this. Is it Real? Do--SEO dead or going to be in future.

Well, I’ve been scrutinizing about this for, a long time. I got into a conclusion--” No” SEO isn’t dead and never gone be, But it’s gone be advanced and more competitive for sure.

So, why we are saying Lead Generation Overtaking SEO? With time technology advances and SEO is a long and time taking process; which requires a lot of consistency and man-power.

Where SEO is still a very important and much-needed activity for your website.?

Where on the other side--Putting that much effort on this activity; does the outcome are worth it?

SEO & Lead Generation- are two different things- But comes from the same plane.

Where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about your Keyword Ranking and increasing your organic reach.

On the other side Lead Generation-refers to extract potential audiences from the customer base and turn them into a lead and then a loyal customer…

The “LEAD GENERATION” works on 5-Principles…

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Relevant

  • Time-Oriented

Eventually, turn-out to be “SMART”-- Yes! Lead Generation is all about working Smart like a (Dolphins) rather than working hard as a (Turkey)...

Revenue or Traffic?

Well, these things are both interconnected with each other. Yes, we used to say that! But I don’t think so… Getting huge traffic at your website--that doesn’t mean you are creating much revenue--On the other side-getting, a precise and descent traffic can bring you more revenue. So, what do you want?

I don’t know about you;--but I will go for the revenue for sure…

LEAD Generation--is all about your Revenue and providing you the potential customers from DAY-ONE!

Where Lead-Generation is working on (CAC)- Customer Acquisition Cost! Which eventually--low’s down your budget; you were spending on SEO and hoping for better results and getting disappointed most of the time. Want to know your Cost Acquisition Cost? -- Suppose-Your marketing budget is 6000$ per month and you acquire 3,000 new customers then your CAC will be 2$-per customer.


That’s not it! We have a lot more--How Lead Generation can be your next best decision you’ve taken to enhance your ROI, and turn your Business into a Brand. It’s a very short brief of Lead Generation--and there is much to tell--you about the process, procedure--benefits and escalate your revenue--even you are Start-up, Small-business, MNC or Enterprises.

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